pink-haired female anime character carrying bag, Astolfo Fate/stay night Fate/Grand Order Fate/Extra Rider, Randeer, human, fashion Illustration, cartoon png 800x1573px 626.08KB.Fate/stay night Fate/Zero Saber Archer Fate/tiger colosseum, Anime, cartoon, weapon, fategrand Order png 692x1398px 716.09KB.Fate/stay night Fate/Grand Order Fate/Zero Saber Fate/Apocrypha, ruler, fictional Character, fatezero, fategrand Order png 740x727px 444.96KB.Fate/stay night Saber Fate/Grand Order Uther Pendragon Lancer, stage, purple, fictional Character, fategrand Order png 2000x2518px 6.6MB.Fate/stay night Saber Mordred Fate/Grand Order Fate/Zero, Fate/Apocrypha, fictional Character, fatezero, fategrand Order png 900x1498px 1.37MB.Fate/stay night Fate/Grand Order Astolfo Fate/Apocrypha Type-Moon, others, cg Artwork, black Hair, manga png 700x999px 696.25KB.Fate/Grand Order Fate/stay night Gáe Bulg Scáthach Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, cosplay, fictional Character, fategrand Order, fatezero png 911x1280px 483.98KB.Fate/stay night Anime Saber Manga Fate/Grand Order, Anime, cg Artwork, manga, computer Wallpaper png 811x811px 557.03KB.Fate/stay night Fate/Grand Order Saber Rider Astolfo, Summon Night To, fictional Character, transport, weapon png 850x945px 443.24KB.Fate/stay night Fate/Grand Order Scáthach Type-Moon Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star, cosplay, cg Artwork, black Hair, fictional Character png 441x728px 231.67KB.Fate/Grand Order Fate/stay night Saber AnimeJapan Chaldea, nostalgia daijin securities, leaf, logo, monochrome png 2280x2281px 83.62KB.Mordred Fate/Grand Order Saber Fate/stay night King Arthur, Fate/Apocrypha, cg Artwork, video Game, fictional Character png 1622x2282px 2.48MB.It has the best overall event currency drop, a top tier Artorium yield, and good drop rates for Comet Shard and Iron Stakes. Vagrant Planet Arton(Back) is the best node to farm for the entire event.It would be worth farming Vagrant Planet Arton for Eggs along with other event currency. Eggs are a rather difficult material to obtain from singularity quests.But they should considered since you have to grind for Mission Requirement and Event Currency.
#Saber fate grand order free#
In terms of efficiency, the Free Quest does not have as good as of a material drop chance that Singularity free quests do.All Free Quest nodes in this event cost 40 AP.You can MLB Binary Star Songstress but keep Bestia Del Sol as separate copies to maximize Artorium and Team Damage Bonus.Artorium base amount approximate for the following: ~50 (Texas Beyond, Big Blue Tank, Abyss Sargasso), ~60 (Zenjo, Green Kitchen, Dark Mana), and ~74 (Death Csejte, Caribou, Celtont, Arton and Arton-Back).Maximize your teams to take advantage of it. This new node is the best node to farm for this event, it has the best overall amount of Event Currency, Artorium, and Ascension material drops in the entire event. The only change the rerun has from the original event is the addition of a Level 90++ Free Quest Node on the final node – Vagrant Planet Atron (Back).Make sure to save the indicated Artorium amount for each stage of the walkthrough in order to progress.the better currency nodes happen much later in the game. Start off on buying out the Shop CE’s then immediately focus on Artorium Grind.You will be able to obtain 5 guaranteed copies of both Songstress and Bestia Del Sol CE’s.Make sure to buy out the Event Shop CE’s ASAP and fill the slots on your team.A detailed walkthrough is present below this section. clear main quests and farm the new free quests that unlocks for requirements. The event is fairly straight forward in how it plays ie.It is recommended that once you get all the copies, you may MLB the 5* Songstress (Stheno & Euryale) CE but keep Bestia Del Sol as separate copies. Avoid MLB either of the two 5* Event CE’s Provided until you can fill up your slots after MLB.Run on Natural AP until the one week time lock lifts (~ Jan 12th).